[a moment] for grand plans

[moment 222]

Just about every night as I'm falling asleep, I think about the things I'd like to accomplish the next day. Somehow, my future ability to do things is much greater than my actual ability in those moments.

In those late night moments, I'm able to roll out of bed early, thoroughly rested and refreshed after a good night's sleep. I'm able to eat and take beds and go on an early morning walk (or roll) with my husband before he goes to work and still have energy to run errands before heading home to do housework and work on household projects. 

In reality, I get a horrible night's sleep and am in so much pain in the morning I have trouble getting myself from my bed to the bathroom without help. I can barely choke down one medication, nevermind eat anything in order to take my other morning meds. And most days, it doesn't get much better from there.

Yet somehow, as I drift off to sleep the next night, I'm once again making grand plans for the next day.


  1. I hit the pillow and I am out. Like, see you in four hours out. Now for the second time I try to sleep, well that is lets parade around the land of regrets.


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