[a moment] with phoenix

[moment 243]

My fourteen year old keeps flipping me off, shushing me, hitting me, headbutting me, and even bit me the other day. I've lost count of the number of times they've said "I hate you!" They constantly call me names. 

They do this both at home and in public. And I'm totally OK with it. In fact, I'm waiting for someone to say one mean thing about my kid so I can teach them a lesson in compassion.

My teen has Tourette Syndrome. They are not doing any of this voluntarily. And I know they feel badly when they do something potentially damaging to someone or something because they apologize to people and inanimate objects alike. I walked into the kitchen the other day as they were apologizing to the fridge. 

I just hope they are as compassionate with themself as they are with those around them and that they take to heart that none of their family members hold it against them when they call us an igloo or vigorously tap our arm or sign "bitch" at us in ASL. It's Phoenix's fault, after all, not theirs. 

[Phoenix is their name for their tics. Phoenix flips people off and calls them beetroots. Onyx is just along for the ride.]


  1. mmm beetroots

  2. In one way or another we are all just along for the ride. Different rides, different passengers, different destinations but the same road.


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