[a moment] of concern

[moment 234]

Sitting outside the hospital waiting for my daughter to get through triage and be admitted for twenty-four hours of intravenous antibiotics, I was feeling massive amounts of anxiety. Between the car, bus and ambulance noises and the sheer amount of people sitting, standing, and walking around and through the area in which I was sitting, I was on sensory overload. 

Then the gentleman in the wheelchair next to me dropped his discharge paperwork on the ground. Noticing he was having trouble picking it up, I went over and picked it up for him. He thanked me and kindly asked if I could put it in his bag for him. He then requested that I locate a plastic bag with a slip of paper containing a phone number, which was the only other thing in the bag - and that I dial the number on his phone. I happily complied. Once again he thanked me for my assistance.

When no one answered at that number or the next number he dialed, he assured me that he had a ride home via bus - and that he was just attempting to let his people know he was heading home. 

Shortly thereafter, the bus arrived and whisked him away.

As the bus pulled away from the curb, I realized I was not only glad he was safely on his way, but also much calmer and not so overwhelmed. It always amazes me how a moment of concern for someone else can work wonders on one's own state of being.


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