[a moment] to reflect

[moment 213]

I'm feeling down today. Sad. Unmotivated. And so I'm taking a moment to take a deep breath and reflect on all life's blessings. 

The hodgepodge of blessings that are buzzing around my mind today include:

- Christmas movies with actors from my favorite childhood programs and/or with actors I didn't expect

- leftover pizza to make breakfast easier

- remembering to eat before giving myself the injection that causes great nausea

- a teen asking me to watch stuff with them ... and then doing so from the comfort of my bed

-  knowing that our eldest is taking care of dinner tonight ... and our youngest tomorrow ... and our fourth on Wednesday ... and our middle on Thursday ... and our second on Friday. 

- a husband who works hard to support our family and to improve himself every day.

- espresso

- teens who take joy in sending things to friends out of state

- the nap I'll most likely take this afternoon.


  1. the wife who cares for and loves me, three fabulous grandchildren, two amazing sons, a wonderful mother and father among others.


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