To Get Creative [ADVENTure Six]

I have to admit, I'm one to save and reuse gift bags. I've been known to take discarded gift bags home with me from various parties and celebrations. I even rescue tissue paper, neatly folding it inside the bags. I also tend to wrap gifts, at least for my children, in interesting ways, being too lazy to get wrapping paper. I've used shipping boxes decorated with duct tape, a pillowcase, a bandana, a scarf, and upon one occasion, the child's own blanket. 

In thinking about the gifts we're giving this year, I'm wondering how creative we can get in order to avoid wrapping paper. I would love to instead wrap the gifts in something useful...or something we have that can be repurposed but is still festive. I would love to avoid buying more stuff, as it would defeat the purpose of this exercise, and instead use what we have. I look forward to getting my children in on the brainstorming - they may come up with some ideas that I would never think of!


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