To Be Cozy [ADVENTure One]

Our youngest child, age 10, pulled the first Advent tag from our mason jar. It was fitting, as Alia is one of my loves-to-be-cozy children. She and I sipped peppermint hot chocolate as we watched Eloise at Christmastime, one of her longtime favorites. 

As I sat, cozy in my bed sipping the sweet concoction and feeling deeply blessed, I prayed. I thanked God for the ability to feel cozy - not just warm and comfortable, but in mind and spirit, as well. I have a roof over my head, a bed, blankets, heat, a tv, a family to take care of and who takes care of me.

Many people don't have this. I prayed for our friend Sara, whose mother died just days ago, as she struggles to come to grips with life without her mother and as others help her to figure out her life from here on out. Sara has some special needs, and doesn't have a stable place to stay now that her mother is gone. She has friends helping her get services and figure out how she's going to live, but I'm sure this is a time of deep sorrow and stress for her. She's staying with friends for the time being, but needs something more sustainable. She doesn't have a bed to call her own, doesn't know whether or not she's spending Christmas alone, and is uncertain where life's basic necesssities are going to come from. I pray she feels my love, and the love of all of those helping her and routing for her. 

Yet through all this, Sara has been amazing. She's a member of the cast of "Stoops," an original play written by the cast members and their artistic directors, and hasn't missed a rehersal. She shows up and not only does what is required of her, but puts all that she has into performing her part. She has the support of the entire cast, which I pray will extend beyond their final performance on Saturday.

As I sip my hot chocolate, I glance down at the inscription along the rim of my mug...
Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.    ~Proverbs 31:29
That is Sara. I pray that soon arrangements can be made for permanent housing ... and that she finds cozy there. Not just in a warm and comfortable way, but in mind and spirit, wrapped in the warmth of love knowing her friends have her back and God continues to be with her every step of the way.


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