[reason 290] waiting


Most people, from what I gather, detest waiting...especially in waiting rooms. 

I, however, don't mind it a bit. Sometimes my time spent in a waiting room or waiting in the car for a child to get out of an appointment or even waiting in line at the store is the only me time I have in a day. And all the possible ways I can spend that precious time!

In waiting rooms, I catch up on emails and texts. I play games on my phone. I scroll through social media and catch up with what friends are doing. And sometimes I just sit and take in the relative peace and quiet and do nothing. I'm not usually particularly good at doing nothing, but when put in a position where it boils down to me being on my phone or doing nothing, nothing often wins. It's splendid to do nothing. 

Waiting in cars is a whle different ballgame. I usually have a caffeinated beverage on hand, and perhaps a snack. Sometimes I've downloaded a movie or a couple episodes of something onto my tablet. Other times I have a book with me. I occasionally spend the time making phone calls to doctor's offices or other places ... or to a friend or family member. Rarely, I just close my eyes and relax for a bit. 

Waiting in line is an art in and of itself. I usually take the time to people watch a bit. And to go over my schedule and to do list for the rest of the day. And to make notes in my phone about ideas for Christmas or birthdays or outings or purchases. Or to chat with a fellow waiter-in-line.

Since embracing the wait, life has definitely been much less stressful. It might even be more relaxing!


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