[reason 287] looking back

As I sat in my car waiting for one of my chldren to get out of an appointment, I couldn't help but think back to all that's happened this year. It blows my mind that we began the year struggling to get a few of my children the care they needed and attending many medical appointments a week. Soon thereafter, we added weekly visits to Boston Children's Hospital to our schedule so Onyx could visit Finn as he battled leukemia. 

We gained a twenty-something year old friend of one of our children who moved in temorarily, and then quickly became part of our family. Not too long thereafter, he started dating an amazing young woman and she moved in as well. 

We went to Calumet for Spring Cleaning weekend and for two and a half weeks in the Summer ... and then Onyx and I went just the two of us for a week so they could spend time with Finn, who was finally cancer free! Our last Boston Children's Hospital Monday was during week 1 of Camp.

We have come a long way since January 1. We are in many ways better than we were. We have more of an understanding of each other. We have more resources at our fingertips and more confidence in our ability to make changes when things aren't working.  

In many ways we still have a long way to go.

We continue to seek healthcare and diagnoses and treatments that will help our children's bodies, minds, and spirits. We continue to learn how best to meet each other's needs while also meeting our own needs. We are learning everyone's quirks and preferences and medical needs and emotional needs. We are learning every day what it is to be family. 

It is my hope that, in a year when I look back, the stressors and struggles of today will have transformed into understandings and accomplishments


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