[the moment] I made the strangest noise


[moment 121]

As we were leaving the dentist office...

Yes, the photo above is of the dentist office. So is this...


Anyway ... as we were leaving the dentist office, Onyx and I were having a discussion, and mid-sentence, I made a very strange noise. I made this noise as an insect of some sort rammed into the back of my throat and I involuntarily swallowed it. 

Onyx burst into a fit of laughter that lasted long into our trip home. 

I am so thankful to have such a kind, compassionate child who quite obviously felt very badly for their mother, who continued to make strange noises trying to determine if the feeling in the back of her throat was from the impact of the bug or from bug parts stuck there. The mention of this uncertainty definitely did not elicit even greater uproarious laughter from the child. Not even a little.


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