Eggs and Beer

Eggs and beer. I just traded my La Bassine birth pool for eggs and beer.

And playstands for a bench - or if that doesn't work out, a bunch of fresh organic eggs and some gluten-free goodies.

And a learning tower for help with housework for a friend with a back injury. 

How I do love bartering! We've bartered hiking sticks and wands for chiropractic services, veggies for eggs, and babysitting for help with home improvement projects, among other things. 

Alia on her birth day
We love freecycling and thrifting as well, but those finds don't usually come with stories as impressive as "I just traded my birth pool for eggs and beer." How did that come about, you ask? Well, I offered my birth pool - the one Alia was born in in our dining room, the one several babies a year have been born in since then - to some midwifey and doula-y mamas that I know and one very excited friend offered such things as eggs, beer, rhubarb, a cute little dog, kombucha, and lettuce in exchange. I decided eggs and beer would do - something we need and a treat for my husband. All for giving my beloved birth pool a good home and an opportunity to help welcome more babies peacefully into the world. Not a bad deal at all. 


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