Bad Attitude

Sporadic Artie has had quite a bad attitude lately. Intense foot pain will land me in the doctor's office tomorrow afternoon. An aching back and sore ribs drain my resources. Some days I just want to lay in bed and cry out of sheer exhaustion.

If I take a snapshot of how I felt, physically, a year ago and how I feel today, the pictures might be identical. Back then, I may have panicked because of this. At that time I was still really figuring out that it's a Matter of Perspective

Today I have a choice.

I can worry that I'm still feeling horrible, or I can feel thankful that I've tried a couple of medications and am on one that shows amazing promise. 

I can stress about what my current health situation means, or I can find peace in the knowledge that I will have flares, even on medication, and when I do, I need to listen to my body telling me to slow down and enjoy life. 

I can feel betrayed by my body or I can take better care of my body and rejoice in what I can do.

I can shut down and spend most of my day in bed, or I can have my husband throw Ziggy in the van and roll where I'm unable to walk. 

I can choose to fight Sporadic Artie or listen to what he has to teach me about living life to its fullest. 

Having a bad attitude will just make my life miserable - and my family miserable as well. Instead, I'll seek joyful moments ... and take comfort in the fact that if all else fails, there's always the Imperial Walker. 


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