[reason 232] moving days

 When you have two people move into a cramped space with just a twin bed ... and they're going to be living with you for a while ... and your teen offers to switch spaces with them ... you need to buy a bigger bed.

So off to Costco we went, with my 15 passenger van, seats removed, to procure a new mattress and perhaps a bed frame. No bedframe, but the mattress was purchased. It was in a box, so no real need for the van, but that's beside the point. 

Excited to set up and air out the mattress, that was done soon after arriving home. 

Then came moving day, take 1, which was overwhelming and emotional for those who were dealing with everything, everywhere, all at once and had been for a while. A break for as long as everyone needed was announced. There was no time constraint. 

Eventually all of the stuff will be in all of the correct places. But there's no real rush. Sometimes timelines (you know, those imaginary things that most of the time don't really matter) need to go out the window to make room for the people affected by them.


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