What to Wear?
I dropped the kids off at my parents' house this afternoon for a sleepover so I'd have plenty of time to prepare and so Jim and I could get an early, unhindered start in the morning. I stopped at the store for supplies, came home and rested at bit, and then got down to the task of picking out what to wear for the big event.
Ruling out more than half my wardrobe, I finally settled on something that seemed a good fit for the occasion. It's not as fashionable as it could be, but is very functional. Pajamas bottoms and a comfy long-sleeved shirt are appropriate garb for a liver biopsy, aren't they? If only I owned fuzzy slippers to complete the ensemble.
Now I go to bed a bit early, as I have to be at the Procedures Center by 7AM. Not exactly a hot date with my husband, but hopefully the biopsy will provide needed answers so I can continue forward with psoriatic arthritis treatment.
Prayers welcome.
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