[reason 344] no place like home


I love that my kids (and us parents) love to spend time together doing things like playing games (on computer, phone, and board/card games) and doing crafts.
I love that normal in our house looks like crafts and messes and laughter and sibling teaching sibling and the freedom to do and be ... or not, depending on how you're feeling at any given moment.
In our house, we sometimes talk until 2am. Or play games until 2am. Or watch movies and wonder how it got so very late even though we calculated that it would be late when we started the movie.

People who didn't grow up here but live in or visit our house are often taken aback by the freedom to make messes and be creative and sleep when you're tired and eat when you're hungry and be who you are. I've been told that there's no place like our home.


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