[reason 341] pierogi

I haven't had pierogi in years. After going gluten free, pierogi ceased to be readily available for consumption, and when we did find pre-made pierogi, they were exponentially more expensive.

I had the crazy idea that I'd make gluten free pierogi myself. I researched recipes, read reviews, and settled on one that seemed manageable. I made the filling when I had a free couple hours in the early afternoon and then, after an exhausting day, got started on the dough. And had a bit of a nervous breakdown trying to roll it out and form the pierogi. Thankfully, my husband came to the rescue and did the filling and forming while I concentrated on getting the dough portion of the process under control.

They were delicious. I have more filling in the fridge and can barely wait to make more pierogi. I'm fairly sure my family will be overjoyed when I do so as well.


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