[reason 307] one year


A year ago someone I love made a mistake that had the potential to end their life.
A year ago they chose to reach out for help.
A year ago they chose life. 

Today they ate good food and watched videos and laughed and painted and played games and listened to music. Today we recalled all the things they've done and been through in the past year and paused to appreciate where they are in all senses of being right now. 

Today I gave thanks for the most difficult year I've experienced; for the things I've learned along the way;  and for the time I get to spend with this wonderful human being. 

Always remember...

You are loved. 

You are important.

I'm glad you exist.

I want you to stay. 

You can call me anytime. 

Hope is alive.

Your story is not over. 

I love you.  I love you. I love you. 


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