[reason 184] a movie night like no other

It was movie night at Camp Calumet. The movie was Despicable Me and it was on dvd. The previews had the children and young adults in a tizzy. 2011 technology is apparently incredibly amusing - dvds with new digital downloads and all. The looks...

The movie was enjoyed by all, although my favorite parts had less to do with watching the movie and more to do with observing the people around me. 

Most of the people at the movie were "my people" - my kids, my parents, our friends. 

The way the trio in the front row leaned on each other.

And the reaction of the children to my right, who had not seen the movie before and were incredibly amused. 

It helped that it also took place in the Oasis - a new building at Camp Calumet with beautiful craftsmanship.


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