[reason 107] the useful wait

My eldest and his friend invited me out for a picnic lunch. It was great to spend time with the two of them. Afterwards, I had an hour-long errand to run, so they decided to go for a hike in the meantime. I told them to take their time and enjoy themselves - that I didn't mind waiting in the car for a while, and would, in fact, enjoy it.

I ran my errand, picking up an iced chai on the way back to the parking lot and my useful wait. 

After parking, I settled in with my chai, my phone, and a nice breeze wafting through the open windows of my car. I caught up with emails, chatted with a friend, listened to a podcast, and just enjoyed the gorgeous day. 

At one point, a few women stopped to chat near my car. I couldn't help but overhear their plight- the bathroom had no toilet paper and they had a long drive ahead of them. I just so happened to have picked up a pack of toilet paper at the store that day, and it was still in my car. I offered them a roll, which they accepted with great thanks. It was great to be able to help someone with an item I randomly picked up from the clearance shelf at the grocery store. 


  1. I could hear my father if someone had asked him that. He would have nodded in complete empathy and they looked down and said, Damn, you need to get hat fixed and than laughed for the next two hours offering no assistance. Had she gone in, you likely would have left a roll outside and left. That would have been at least two more hours of laughing.


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