[reason 92] Україна в моєму серці!

There's a Ukrainian family that the refugee resettlement group I volunteer with was able to help with housing when they had nowhere else to go. They will need to move again soon, and while incredibly self-sufficient, it's impossible for them to afford the initial deposit on an apartment, and the increased rent of all the available options when they live paycheck to paycheck on a single income. 

This family - two sisters and their children - fled Ukraine, not knowing if they will ever see their friends and families again. It's been more than a year since the children have seen their fathers or their grandparents. Simply put, they need assistance until they can both obtain employment that will sustain all of them. 

I couldn't give much financially, but I can share their GoFundMe on social media, add it to the New Start Ministry CT website, and (obviously) share it here. If you would like to help, too, all you need to do is click either of those links. Or share them. 

I am blessed to have a husband who is able to work and support us, to have a roof over our heads, and to have the support of friends and family when we need it. The Klykova family is still fairly new to this country and is working on building their network of support along with everything else that goes into starting a new life in a new country. And we get to be part of that network.


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