[reason 95] memories and mementos


We have a memory jar in which we put slips of paper with things people said that were funny or touched us in some way, ticket stubs, and small mementos from places we've gone or things we've done. We place these things in the jar throughout the year and then delve into the memories on New Year's Eve. Sometime thereafter, I put the papers and objects into a scrapbook. 

Recently, we brought one of the scrapbooks to my parents' house, where my kids sat with Gramma and shared their favorite memories from last year. It was a joy witnessing them tell the same story several times, as Gramma has Alzheimer's and her short term memory isn't the best. It didn't seem to bother them in the least to repeat a story, and sometimes they let a sibling do the retelling, as they were all eager to share each memory. 


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