Pouring Out

I come with joy, a child of God, forgiven, loved and free, the life of Jesus to recall in love laid down for me, in love laid down for me.     ~ I Come With Joy (hymn)

I nearly went deaf.

This child of God contained such Joy, and had contained it through two weeks of missed worship and Sunday School, that it leapt forth from her mouth with vigor and volume - free.

This is the feast of victory for our God. Alleluia ...
Her exuberance, directed toward my right ear, left it ringing for a moment afterwards. I'm fairly sure the customers at the donut shop next door were made aware of this precious child's enthusiasm and exultation. Every Alleluia in every song was not just sung, but exclaimed as she did on Easter. I'm sure the Pastor who was filling in for our Pastor was at least a little taken aback at my daughter's jubilance. 

I found a part of me flinching at her unrestrained joy, her unbridled show of faith. Having grown up in the Catholic church, it's not in my worship programming to be so free to express the depth of what I feel during worship. 

But my spirit, my spirit leaps with love and joy and an urge to join this awe-inspiring adulation and whirls around her as the last hymn finds her dancing in the center aisle. 

I reel her in as the crucifer, acolytes, and pastor approach. Her eyes meet mine, reflecting the brilliance of the moment, the light in her heart. 

"God fills me up so much it all just comes pouring out!" she later tells me. 

"I believe that," I say, my eyes brimming over. You see, God filled me up so much, it just came pouring out.


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