[reason 263] first day of school


When we think about the first day of school, we think about the annual happening at the end of August or very beginning of September. But today was the first day of school for three children in a very different way.

Today was their first day of school. Ever. It was their first day of school in a new country - a country they arrived in just a few weeks ago. They've never ridden a school bus. They don't speak English. They have only been told what going to school is like. They don't really know what to expect. Yet they were excited, if perhaps a bit nervous, as they entered their classrooms for the first time. 

These refugee children are the bravest people I know. They have been through so much in their short lifetimes and embrace every opportunity with open arms. In no time, they will be speaking English, catching up with their peers, and making new friends. 


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