[reason 90] david and the drag queens

Somehow the statue of David and drag queens are huge perceived threats to our youth. 

Not guns. Not people with guns. Not school shootings. Not things and people that actually harm and kill our children. Definitely not those. (sarcasm intended)

Mrs. Doubtfire is definitely not for children, nor is the Nutty Professor. You really need to pay attention to what your children watch. We have watched movies and tv shows with people in drag our entire lives and not really batted an eye. I mean, who didn't love Klinger? 

Let's talk about Max Klinger for a moment. I understood that he was a man dressed as a woman my entire life. I was not confused. Had he worn more makeup and flashier clothes, I would have understood he was a man in drag then as well. He was not a threat to me. Nor were Tootsie, The Kids In the Hall, nor Harvey Korman. 

And believe it or not, I was not damaged by anatomically correct statues - especially the one in Goonies. And my kids weren't damaged by seeing actual human genitalia growing up, as they helped change siblings' diapers and frankly spent a lot of time running around naked. 

Drag queens reading children's books to children is not damaging. School shooting drills are. 
Anatomically correct statues are not harmful to children. Daily images on TV and social media of the latest school and mass shooting are. 

Less guns. More drag queens. 


  1. If they take away the anatomically correct sculptures who will young men compare themselves too? Before I could get porn as a teenager, who knew what was normal. LOL


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