[Nevertheless] I Got More Out of It

I'm here early. And by early, I mean we got here a good hour and a half before I probably needed to be here to set up for a paint night at our church. And to be honest, at this moment, I'd rather be home in bed.

I'm not feeling well. And by not feeling well, I mean that my head is throbbing, my neck feels like it's being stabbed with a dozen knives and sounds like rice krispies when I move it, I'm experiencing extreme nausea, and I'm exhausted. Beyond exhausted. And that's just the worst of the pain that I'm experiencing.

I think I'm hiding it well. And by that, I mean that when everyone showed up I welcomed them, chatted with them, and gave fairly good instructions as to what we were doing, all - hopefully- with a smile on my face and in my voice. I didn't cover everything I meant to and needed to take a couple breaks from engaging with people under the guise of doing some painting myself, but I think people enjoyed themselves during our more laid-back paint session.

I could have cancelled. Nevertheless, I got more out of it than I put into it. I got to have great conversations, do something I love doing, eat lots of salty popcorn, and even laugh a bit. I spent quality time with wonderful people, who even helped clean up. I got to be creative in my artistic endeavours and my self-care. 


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