The Other Side of Easter

On the other side of Easter, I'm taking a much-needed rest. My body fighting illness, in more pain and feeling more run-down than usual, it is a welcome calm before we launch into a busy Spring. 

On the other side of Easter, I feel... I don't know. Changed, somehow, by my forty day Lenten discipline. Changed by Holy Week and Resurrection Day worship. Changed by family and household circumstances that need my immediate attention - some good, and some problematic. I feel like I need to be more and do more with a body that wants to do less and a brain that wants to think less. And that I can't right now has to be ok.

On the other side of Easter, I've come to a greater acceptance and understanding of where I am in life. I've learned to listen more closely to my body, to my children, to those around me, and to my circumstances.

On the other side of Easter, I give thanks more and worry less. I look forward with hope rather than looking back in despair. I find as much joy in a day or five of rest as I do in a day or five of giving and doing and accomplishing.

On the other side of Easter, I am content with what I have and am looking to live with less. I am content with who I am, yet strive to live better.

On the other side of Easter, I am looking forward to change. Change for the better in my body, in my soul, in my life. Changes for the better in my family. Changes for the better in my house, which hopefully will soon be under construction, and then more destruction, and then put back together in a more functional way.

I am looking forward. 


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