But Wait ... There's More!
Get Psoriatic Arthritis now and we'll send you Ankylosing Spondylitis ABSOLUTELY FREE! Act now and you'll receive our free introductory offer! We'll send you a starter kit complete with spiral bound, tabbed booklet and totally redundant informational dvd. But that's not all! We'll throw in a dry erase calendar magnet and marker at no additional charge! But wait - there's more! If you call now, we'll send you a travel cooler, freezer pack and travel sharps container to try risk free! If you call within the next five minutes, we'll include an additional FULL SIZE sharps container absolutely free. That's Psoriatic Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, a starter kit, calendar magnet, marker, travel cooler, freezer pack and BOTH SIZES of sharps container for one low, low price. Don't wait! This is a limited time offer. Call now and make just 900 easy payments of $19.99. Sorry, no COD's.
Is that all the stuff you have to deal with now? Injections and stuff?
ReplyDeleteI wrote that after getting my Enbrel starter kit in the mail and my Enbrel prescription from my doctor. I still have to wait to see my gastroenterologist to figure out what's up with my liver and if I need a liver biopsy before starting Enbrel, but Enbrel is the plan for now. My rheumy wants me on Enbrel and methotrexate, but with the liver problems, that's not happening at the moment.