[Seek] Peace When You Don't

During Lent I usually write forty blog posts during the forty days. This year, a little thing called the covid-19 pandemic got in the way. 

While many were beginning a quarantine consisting of having too much time on their hands, I was entering quarantine with too little time to accomplish everything I needed to do during the too few hours of my days when my chronic illnesses weren't getting in the way of my doing things.

I was at church handing out food to those in need and filming worship with our pastor, organist, and church administrator in the early weeks of covid-19. I went grocery shopping and picked up prescriptions for friends in isolation. 

My husband, an "essential worker" continued to work, and once someone at his work reported being tested positive for covid-19, we isolated ourselves from others, just in case. My husband continues to work - the rest of us are homebound except for my occasional gloved and n-95-masked trip to the grocery store.

Migraine in full force for weeks, the majority of my screen time was spent creating images for and editing worship videos, not writing blog posts. Usually that would put my OCD on overdrive- not reaching that goal of forty Lenten posts - but one thing this global situation has taught me is to be at peace when you don't....when you don't accomplish a self-imposed goal; when you don't leave the house for days; when you don't feel well enough physically, emotionally, or mentally, to do things you want to be doing.

Holy week worship services over, Resurrection Day upon us, I'm setting my sights on what I can do to improve my life and the lives of those around me during this time of don't. 


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