[Seek] An Outlet

As per usual, I began this blog post with the title, and then got distracted by life. Coming back to it, I wasn't sure where I was going. Surely I wasn't thinking of writing about finding a place to plug something in? I definitely was not referring to a retail store. Perhaps I need to seek my short term memory. 

Then I remembered ... an outlet! You know, something that provides a place or space or time or method of getting out what you need to get out of your system; of processing life; somewhere to lay down what's weighing you down - like this blog does for me.

I started this blog when I was diagnosed with chronic illness after chronic illness as a place to process what I was going through and perhaps keep a few family members and friends up to date with my health situation. My intention was for only a handful of people to read it, so I posted the good, the bad, and the questionable. I edited very little, mainly just typing out what was going through my mind and then hitting the publish button. Not much has changed. I rarely re-read what I've written. I forget to spell check just about as often as I forget how to spell. 

Writing is my way of putting life into perspective. I can start off writing one thing and end up in a completely different place than I thought I would. I've come to many a realization as I've written, worked through many a thought process.

As I navigate COVID-19-induced quarantine with  my family, I continue to write in order to process life as we know it today. Some things I write get posted. Some do not. I've started more blog posts than I've finished lately. When I do publish a blog post, I often forget to share it on social media. But that's ok. This blog remains an outlet for me, whether or not anyone else reads it. It is the process, not the end result that matters. 


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