Why I Love These Women I've Never Met

A friend posted in our little, private facebook group that she's in the hospital, in the ICU, awaiting a procedure on her heart. In quick succession messages of shock and well-wishes and hope and prayers and lots and lots of love were posted. Every one of those sentiments from the heart. Every prayer a genuine plea for her health and safe recovery.

We all wanted to be there for her, do something for her, but we're scattered across the globe. Then with one little "should-we-get-together-and-send-her-something?", we were off and planning. Pay-pal was sent, a card was designed, a jewelry artist consulted, and before long a care package was in the works. As we eagerly awaited news of how her procedure went and how she was faring, we felt connected to her and each other through this act of love for our friend.

I have never met these women, but I love them and think about them every day. Bits and pieces of them are parts of my life, from the skirts lovingly sewn for me by a very talented Mama, to the tree necklace the Tree Mamas sent me, to the bag with matching change purse that has now been claimed by my eldest daughter. Among my treasures are little cards and notes I received upon the birth of my youngest child. 

Sometimes we don't talk much at all, sometimes we have several conversations going at once. With this group of Mamas, what really stands out to me is our response whenever someone has a need to mourn or a need to celebrate. We are there for each other through joys and through losses, offering empathy and love in difficult times and celebrating joyful times. 

And these beautiful souls tend not to judge. Each sorry-I-haven't-been-around is met with we-missed-yous. One's coming-out was met with nothing but love and well-wishes. Another's I'm-back-and-now-sober-and-putting-my-life-back-together was cause for celebration, support, and love, not criticism. 

Since I met these amazing women eight years and nine-ish months ago, I've birthed two babies and lost two. I've gone from being in relative good health to incredibly ill to somewhere in between. I've wandered away and come back. I've carried these women in my thoughts and in my heart, and have journeyed with them through their major life changes as well. They are friends in the truest sense - we support each other through hard times, celebrate life's joys, forgive each others' mistakes, and endlessly encourage each other to follow our dreams. 


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