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Or ... Things That Made Me Cry

Momastery.com : Gail Because we are all connected, and making that connection with just one person can make all the difference. And because sometimes we need to give all of ourselves to someone. Just because.

Deeperstory.com: Father of Three One Living Because I know what it is to lose babies and stumble when people ask how many children I have. Me? I have nine children, five living. 

We Found Our Son on the Subway Because love and family and life are all unexpected joys. 

Momastery: Love Flashmob Because a teen mom needed a home. Because $250 was raised per minute over 5.5 hours! Because many people can give just a little and change someone's life for the better. (follow up story here: Wthr.com: Homeless Teen Mother's Story Generates Thousands of Dollars)

What Forgiveness Looks Like Because here we can learn what real forgiveness looks like. 

And this...which is worth every second, every word, every truth. 

At 3:56 Shane Koyczan says the words so many people need to say to themselves every single moment of their lives.
By 7:38 tears are streaming down my face and I see myself in his words, and then he says the words that make me want to take myself by the shoulders and shake some sense into myself.
At 10:19 and 10:48 you need to do what he says. Everyone needs to do what he says.
At 11:31 I started full out sobbing.

Sarah Bessey: In Which I Announce the International Women's Day Synchroblog In which I cried countless times reading through the blog posts of these remarkable women as they bless us with their words and share their spiritual midwives and patron saints with the world.

And because I love all these people. And because with love, all things are possible. 


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