[Seek] The Change We Need

I will forever remember these past five days. The waiting; the refreshing various websites to see vote counts; the feelings of defeat replaced with hope replaced with deep celebration of the spirit. 

Upon learning that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would be the next president and vice president of the United States of America, my first thought was not "we won" but "thank God." Thank God that a record number of people voted; that we will have a president and vice president who care about the foreigner, the poor, the oppressed; who support love and people being who they are on the inside regardless of their outside; who want to protect their neighbors through providing healthcare, raising minimum wage, and making sure other assistance is available; and who want to protect and heal our environment.

A feeling of relief swept over me. Relief that it might not be as much of a struggle for my LGBTQIA+ family and friends. That their life here in the US might not be so scary - that there's a better chance of their rights being protected. Relief that our refugee friends who arrived during Trump's administration might now feel more welcome and more safe with the changes in policy and in the atmosphere in this country that will hopefully be coming. Relief that we may eventually get to a place where equality and love and peace are words said with hope, not with sadness and anger and hurt. Relief that much needed change is coming.

I will forever remember what I was doing today, 11/07/2020, when I heard the good news ... painting signs that welcome all colors, orientations, genders, religions, cultures, abilities, ages, sizes, and individuals; watching Santa Claus, The Movie; listening to my children play Among Us online with friends; in quarantine because of the covid-19 pandemic and my health issues...on a 74 degree November day in CT. 

Hope. I feel hope. For the first time in a long time, there is hope. 


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