[Seek] Emptiness

[Advent 1]

If there's one thing quarantine has done it's take away the ability to do many of the things we love to do. 

I greatly look forward to the day when I can take a horde of teenagers to the movies, worship in our church sanctuary with my congregation, meet @ the table for a good meal with friends and family, and go, well, anywhere without the possibility of contracting an illness that I would likely not survive.

If there's one thing quarantine has done it's help us realize what's really important in our lives.

Many of us have been forced to take a break from the busy-ness of life. We've been afforded an opportunity to spend time with our families and/or with ourselves - to get to know our children and ourselves in new and unique ways. 

Quarantine has emptied our lives of many of the activities that normally consume us. No longer are we dashing from one activity to the next with our children. No longer is our schedule full of in-person meetings or playdates or dinners out with friends. Perhaps for the first time, we have to figure out life with an empty calendar. 

It is in this emptying that we discover new passions, new joys, and different ways to be of service to others. This emptiness provides time and space to explore our interests, to rest, and to connect more deeply and authentically with those dear to us. 

In this emptiness, we can embrace the anticipation and hope of Advent. We can make room to reflect on the meaning of this time of waiting. We can look forward to the weeks ahead as we journey toward Christmas. 

Perhaps this emptiness is something we need to hold onto when the life begins to get busy once again.


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