[Seek] Refuge

Sun just barely lighting the sky, I make my way to the beach of Ossipee Lake to seek refuge in the dawn. Listening to waves lap my kayak as sunlight infiltrates the sky, I thank God for this day as I lay all my troubles before Him, each oar stroke a prayer for peace and healing.

The family has been in the United States for six months now. It is time for them to be financially and otherwise independent, and they are terrified. Arriving with no English, they have worked hard to learn, to gain employment, and to deal with all that comes with moving to a new country, a new culture, with two children. This place of refuge provides safety and opportunity beyond anything they could have imagined after fleeing from their country of origin, yet they still live in fear. They fear they will not be able to meet their financial obligations and provide a decent life for their children. They take comfort in the support they get from the New Start Ministry team, who will continue to provide guidance and support as they navigate the rest of their first year here.

The teen plops down on the couch of Epoch Arts, defeated. They don't know where to go, where to turn. Their parents don't understand or accept their gender identity, their sexuality. They don't know if they're welcome back home. They needed to take refuge somewhere, and this is a place they feel safe, loved, accepted for who they are. Listening as they let out all the anger and hurt and sadness, my heart breaks for them. Reassuring them that they are loved, accepted, valued beyond measure and there are people that are here for them should they need anything, I pray that, given time, their parents will let love win over expectations and biases. 

When we need to seek refuge from the storms of life, it's such a blessing to have a soft place to land and people offering loving support. Seek out those places and people in your life and don't hesitate to seek refuge when needed. Whether it's enveloping yourself in the beauty of God's creation or in someone's arms, find the time and space to take care of yourself. 


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