[Nevertheless] I'll Carry Them with Me

I still have lipstick on my cheek from the woman who ran up to me, exclaiming her love of my shirt and for me and thanking me for being a supportive parent...who hugged me and kissed my cheek and then went on trick or treating with her children.

It's experiences like this that give me hope. Hope that others noticed and took in that there are supportive people out there; that people who haven't yet come out or come to terms with their gender identity see that there's at least one parent out there who loves their trans child enough to wear a t-shirt showing their support. 

I still choke up recalling the transgender trick-or-treater who asked me for a hug, in front of their friends, and whispered in my ear, "my parents would kick me out if they knew."

I'm glad I could be that person for that child, but sad at the same time. No child should feel unwelcome in their own home, unwanted by their parents, simply for being who God created them to be. 

I handed fruit snacks and candy out to 2500 trick or treaters. So many people, so many amazing costumes - too many too remember. I don't remember what either hugger was wearing, but I'll carry their words and their hearts with me always. Those two, I'll never forget.


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