[Nevertheless] Advent Approaches

I'm not ready.
I'm just not.

For all the sappy Christmas-themed movies I've been curling up with for the past few weeks as I deal with health issues and the aftermath of a tree falling on our house and vehicle ... and all the Christmas-type music I've been listening to even though it isn't Thanksgiving yet ... I'm not ready for Advent to actually be here.

I love Advent. Love it. I love the waiting, the anticipation, the hygge, the sights and sounds and tastes of the season, the special things that happen at church and in the community...all of it. Each Advent, some sort of theme or adventure inspires me and I take time out each day to write about it.

This year, I have yet to be inspired. I've been too busy wrapping up our homeschool co-op session, doing things for church, shuttling children around to events and medical appointments, sewing dog hats for a play two of my children are in, or in bed struggling to make it through the day without being in too much pain. I've been too much in my own head and not enough noticing the amazing things going on around me.

Perhaps this Advent I should seek inspiration in the everyday as I strive to write something in Advent every day. Instead of drawing ADVENTures out of a jar, maybe I'll say yes to spontaneous adventures that come up as we wend our way toward Christmas or find inspiration in everyday objects. During a time in my life when I feel like what I need most is to have some sort of plan, some sort of control, perhaps instead I'll spend Advent letting go and waiting to see what life has in store.


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