[Nevertheless] I'm Not

I should be crossing things off my to-do list - planning Tuesday Night Sunday School lessons, making a supplies list for an upcoming Paint Night, following up on information my youngest's pain management doctor gave me - nevertheless, I'm not.

What I am - or was, before I started writing - doing is staring into space, mind completely blank. I didn't notice the girls going in and out of the door, the notification sounds on my cell phone, or anything going on around me. My mind completely checked out for a few minutes there, overwhelmed by pain, beyond exhausted. 

My mental vacation interrupted by a friendly hello from one of the teens, I took a deep breath and shall now return to the chaos of life. It was nice while it lasted ... I think. I'm not sure. I wasn't really there. I wasn't really anywhere. 

Perhaps I need a real vacation. Or a good night's sleep. I'd settle for a nap. 


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