Expectations ADVENTure

It seems that we live in a culture in which people expect to be recognized for every little thing they do and don't think of doing little things for others as they move through their days. As a mother, I can attest to the fact that I do not get thanked for cleaning up after other people - and I don't expect to. I'm happy to pick up things here and there, wash and extra dish or three, or fold some laundry. (I actually LOVE folding laundry - just don't tell my children!) 

But ... but what if everyone acted in kindness each day? What if, instead of stepping over someone else's mess, you took a tiny bit of time out of your life to clean it up? What if, when you used a bowl or mug, you washed it - and a couple other things lingering in the sink? And what if you did these things without seeking recognition or thanks, but because it's the kind thing to do? Would the world come to an end - or end up a better place? Perhaps you would appreciate those around you who do the same a little bit more, and perhaps you would feel good about yourself, the giving person that you are. It seems to me that everyone would benefit. 

Advent is a wonderful time to start anew - to adopt ways of being just a little kinder, more helpful, as we move through our lives. To be thankful that we have possessions to clean up, food with which to dirty dishes, and others in our lives for whom to do nice things. 


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