First Birthday

We celebrated her first birthday along with her 29th. I took lots of photos ...Zayla with a photo of her and her brothers given to her as a gift...Zayla making a face because she knew I was taking a photo. But my favorite photos are the candid ones. The ones she looks at and doesn't recognize herself. The ones where she is able to glimpse a little bit of the beauty I see when I look at her. 

I'm so glad you're here and I'm so glad you're here. You, my daughter, are loved beyond measure.  I cannot express to you what joy you bring to my life. Of all the gifts that I'd love to lavish on you, the most important ones don't come in fancy wrappings. I wish you health and healing; peace and safety and strength and the ability to be gentle with yourself throughout this journey you've found yourself on. I wish you deep, cleansing breath and patience with this process of becoming. I can barely wait until three weeks and three days from now when we make legal what is in our hearts.
I love you and will be here for you should you need me. For always and forever and no matter what!
Happiest of Birthdays! 


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