[reason 148] just the four of us

 As Onyx and I were going to Boston Children's Hospital to visit Finn on Memorial Day, it being a Monday and all, I thought perhaps we'd visit with my parents on Sunday instead. We usually get together for Memorial Day, but this year we all seemed a bit blasé about going to the parade and other festivities. 

Sunday morning rolled around and children were reluctant to roll out of bed. Jim and I made a bunch of wings and I made two different sauces for them. We packed them up along with some veggies and ranch and blue cheese dressing and headed to Gramma and Papa's house sans offspring. I think perhaps the mention of doing some landscaping at the grandparents house while we were there contributed to their lack of interest and energy.

We got some yard work done and then ate way too many wings. Somehow it was difficult to not have just one more. 

It was nice, just the four of us. 


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