The Most Holey One

I always have three nightgowns. I have a newish one that I don't mind throwing a pair of shorts under and answering the door on days that call for such a thing. I have a middle-aged one that has been through some stuff, but is still fairly attractive....still good enough to wear when my in-laws are visiting, but not in front of strangers. And then I have the most holey one, which I'm sure is going to disintegrate at any moment. Guess which one's my favorite?

The most holey one has been through a lot. I wore it while in labor with Coren, and he just turned twelve. I found it at a thrift store the Summer I was pregnant with him, a welcome replacement for the nightgown I'd laid to rest not long before. That one had been through Zachary and Haley's pregnancies and labors and lots and lots of days and nights of parenting two, then three very small children. 

I nursed three children in this nightgown, the last of whom weaned four years ago. This holey one soaked up my tears through and after my twin miscarriage, when I practically lived in it when I didn't have to be dressed and pretending to be managing life as normal. It got me through many sleepless nights nursing a pile of sick children, and hot, sticky nights our first time camping at Camp Calumet. It has been my go-to on too many days in bed due to joint pain and/or migraines. 

It's amazing how many memories are wrapped up in one piece of clothing. Perhaps that's why I still wear it, and will probably continue wearing it until it disintegrates. 


  1. You could also make something out of part of it if you can't wear it any longer since you're so attached to it that way you can have a little memento. Make a little tiny pillow or frame part of it


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