Long Day

That is about how I feel. 

It's been a long day. Bloodwork in the morning, followed by a couple errands, then feeding a horde of children, putting Miss M down for a nap, feeding myself, housework, and a trip to the park so the kids could play and I could chat with grown-ups for a few hours. Then we went home to make dinner, hand wash dishes, load the dishwasher, clean out and organize the homeschool bookcase, shred and freeze well over a dozen yellow squash, and take basil leaves off of two dozen stems to freeze. Bathtime for Miss M followed and she should be picked up soon. 

As I type, Miss M is making the rounds to see what the kids are doing and keep herself awake. One child is playing Minecraft, one is watching a documentary on shipwrecks, one is reading, one playing some sort of game, and one is watching the end of a movie she was watching sometime last week and never finished.

Soon Miss M will go home and I will send the children to bed. Then I will curl up with the cat pictured above and watch blooper videos on YouTube until my husband gets home while icing my painful foot. The foot the doctor told me to stay off of - and as you may have guessed I haven't. 

Tomorrow is a new day. A day in which I may invade Costco with eight children, just to see the looks on people's faces. 


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