Taking [a moment] to Look Back


[Moment 1]

On the last day of the year, just before the next year inflicts itself on us, we take time to look back at the moments that mattered enough - or amused us enough- to take the time to write down and put in our family memory jar. 

Ringing in 2022 was a smaller affair than usual. Mal was at Fynn's house celebrating. Austen was at Sophia's, the atmosphere a bit different after the loss of Sophia's grandmother that day. I'm sure all were wishing and hoping for a better 2022.

The rest of us had lunch with Gramma and Papa (well, Alex stayed home) and played games and had fun exploring the memories captured on slips of paper in their memory jars - memories going back to my childhood. Then we headed home for food and Free Guy and to share our own memories from 2021. 

In thinking about these moments on paper, I also thought of all the photos and videos I took during the past year. Most of the videos were short videos of my view from wherever I was at the time - the moments I stopped to appreciate my surroundings, whether it be while on an adventure or in the parking lot of the laundromat. 

This year I plan on collecting these memories and impressions - these moments - with more presence in the moment and with greater intention and posting them here, whether they be in the form of words, photos, or video. 

So...take a moment. Look around you. What do you appreciate about the place you are now? What about this very moment is special? 


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