[a moment] of Merritt

[moment 21]

I don't take my coffee black, but Tyler Merritt does. I know this because that's the title of his book and because I read the book and because he said so and I believe him.

When I say I read the book, I mean that I spent a good portion of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day reading "I Take My Coffee Black" by Tyler Merritt. I tried to put it down - I really did - but it felt like interrupting an intimate conversation with a friend, so I kept reading. 

Every once in a while, I'd need to tell one of my children or my husband or everyone in the house about something Tyler was talking about or read an entertaining passage or point out another reason he'd fit right in with our family. The song lyric quotes alone...and not just the ones he points out, but the ones he crafted so seamlessly into his story...perfection!

Everyone needs to read this book. Everyone. Get a copy now. And watch the videos on The Tyler Merritt Project YouTube channel.

There is so much I want to say about the book - but I won't because I also want you to read it and experience for yourself what honesty and beauty and faith and love should look like and why proximity is important.

What I will say is that this book is for white people and people of color; for theater people and musical people; for Jesusy people and non-Jesusy people; for people with good handwriting and crappy handwriting; for broken people ... and we're all broken people; for people who need forgiveness and those who need to forgive; for people who need history with a dose of perspective; for you, for me, for everyone. 


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