[a moment] of epiphany

[moment 9]

I hadn't realized it was the day of Epiphany. Preoccupied with a news stream filled with everything related to the anniversary of the January 6th 2021 Insurrection and not really being in a mental and emotional place to go down that news rabbit hole, I spent much of the day cleaning and reorganizing and ignoring social media. 

Emerging from a pre-bed shower, exhausted from a day of activity, I looked forward to sinking into bed and welcoming sleep. Lights from our Christmas tree in the darkened living room greeted me, along with the scent of a recently extinguished balsam and spice candle. In that moment on that day of Epiphany, peace had settled over the house and suddenly it felt like Christmas. That moment felt holy...as if the combination of lights and scents and calm coalesced into a connection with the divine. 

It was in that moment that I realized that it was indeed Epiphany - and the end of the Christmas season. Overwhelming gratitude for another Christmas with my family, with my parents and my sister's family, and with friends filled me as I paused to appreciate God's goodness in my life.

We've since put away most of our Christmas decorations, but that moment will stay with me.


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