[a moment] with an Angel


[Moment 2]

As we were sitting watching Queer Eye (and he was making things out of wood), my husband and I paused a moment to talk. The story on the show was about a twenty-something trans woman named Angel and part of the story was about her relationship with her father and how he was processing her transition. 

In that moment, I think it really hit Jim just how far he has come since his childhood in rural Pennsylvania and the ideals and ideas he grew up with. He talked about how thankful he is for our family and how our acceptance of and love for everyone has helped shape his current views...and helped him accept and love our children - and all the queer people in our life-  for who they are.  

The emotion in his voice as he spoke about transgender people and the extent to which is views have changed in the past twenty-six years spoke volumes. 

In that moment, I fell in love with him even more....thanks to an Angel and both of our willingness to take a moment to recognize where life has brought us. 


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