50 [five]: get back to writing

It's been too long. 

I greatly miss writing. It's been a challenge lately to eke out the time and gather enough mental and emotional energy to sit and write anything. My life is so full of family obligations and adventures that when I finally have a moment to myself, I'm exhausted and in pain and just want to watch Christmas movies or listen to a book and transport my mind elsewhere. Or take an accidental nap.

Having contemplated writing out what I did just one day this week, I became too exhausted just thinking about it to actually do it. Let's just say that from the time I get up in the morning to when I go to bed at night, at least ninety percent of my time is spent doing something that needs to be done - taking care of or helping people; cooking; cleaning; researching medical stuff or insurance stuff or recipes or the best deal on something we need; shopping around in order to procure necessities in the most frugal way possible; scheduling; figuring out finances (or not); and taking the aforementioned accidental naps whenever I attempt to do something for myself. 

I'm hoping to get back to making writing, if not posting, a daily thing again. 


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