[Seek] Justice, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly

I can't come up with adequate words to express what's in my heart.

My heart breaks for people of color who live in a country that doesn't value their lives in the same way as the lives of white people. That hasn't done so ever. Ever. Ever.

My heart breaks that people don't understand that God's love is for everyone. Every one. Each and every person of every color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, culture, and ability. And that we are called to live out God's love by loving all people. All. Not all except.

What if we all understood that we can love each other? Even the person who did something we didn't agree with or something wrong.

Even something punishable by law.

What if we understood that we don't have to approve of another's actions to love them? That even if we feel the need to take the person to the ground, we can still have the opportunity to live out God's love for them. That we can believe the person when they say they can't breathe. That we can act justly and have mercy while still doing our job.

Why is it so difficult to love our neighbor?

Why is it easier to react in anger, in fear, in perceived authority over another person's life?

I can't come up with adequate words to express what's in my heart.

My heart breaks for LGBTQIA+ people who live in a country that doesn't value their lives in the same way as the lives of cisgender straight people. That hasn't done so ever. Ever. Ever.

My heart breaks that people don't understand that God's love is for everyone. Every one. Each and every person of every color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, culture, and ability. And that we are called to live out God's love by loving all people. All. Not all except.

What if we all understood that we can love each other? Even the person who turned out differently than we'd imagined? Who loved differently or identified differently than we expected when they were born?

Even if it goes against what your church or your friends or your family is telling you. 

What if we understood that we don't have to understand someone's gender identity or sexuality to love them? That even if we feel that our friends or family or church won't support our decision to be accepting and supportive, we can still have the opportunity to live out God's love for them. That we can believe the person when they say that this is who they are, even if that changes as they learn more about themselves. That we can love them as God loves us - no strings attached.

Why is it so difficult to love our neighbor?

Why is it easier to react in anger, in fear, in what we perceive should be the reality of someone else's life?

And my heart breaks that people can shout that black lives matter without believing that all black lives matter - black gay lives matter; black trans lives matter, black queer lives matter.

No one's life should ever be in danger because of who they love, their gender, or the color of their skin. No one should have to fear walking down the street, driving a car, going for a jog, sleeping in their own bed. "I am in danger because I exist" should never be said or thought or felt by anyone. 

Even though my illnesses prevent me from physically doing so, my heart and my spirit stand with those standing up for justice, standing against racism, and standing with my LGBTQIA+ siblings of all colors. I will do my best to learn to be a better ally to all.

Seek justice for the oppressed; for those who live in fear of being murdered due to their skin color, gender, or sexuality; for those persecuted due to their religious beliefs. Love mercy for us all as we navigate this new and changing world, that it become a world that radiates God's love for all people. Walk humbly with your God and with your neighbor as you learn how to truly love your neighbor as yourself through educating yourself, speaking out, and using whatever privilege you have to advocate for true equality for all. 
What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8


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