This is Getting Out of Hand

Just as I'm processing Miss 15, Zachary's birthday sneaks up on me. His 17th birthday to be exact. What was I thinking having children with birthdays a month apart??? 

Zack has matured so much over this past year, and continuously amazes me with his big heart and sense of humor. 

He's been working 2-4 days a week for the past nine-ish months at his temp position at Windsor Marketing Group, as well as juggling homeschooling, family, friends, and Epoch activities. He acted in Epoch Arts' Mini Production, "Collide," and Haunted House in the Fall, and played Rylen in Unfinished People in June in addition to performing in Arts Response: Responding to Hate with Love and Dinner Show. 

He's had fun with friends...

Done good deeds...

Worn a very attractive hat...

Gotten tattoos...

Gone on adventures...

And worn inappropriate clothing for the weather...which isn't really anything new. 

I've had the pleasure of hearing many good things said about Zachary this past year - about what a detail-oriented employee he is, how kind and compassionate he is, how he always lends a hand when needed, how responsible he is, and so much more. 

Zachary, I love you and am so glad I get to be your mama! You get the best gift ever this year - your family back ON YOUR BIRTHDAY after over two weeks family-free! And that's not all! As an extra added bonus, you also get to help unload a half ton of stinky camp laundry and camp necessities from the van upon our arrival home.  Happy 17!
Love, Mama


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