[a moment] to save St. Nicholas

[moment 340]

Every year, we celebrate St. Nicholas Day. 

This year, my husband took the day off of work and the day's plans look to be complete chaos, but we should have fun. 

The plan is this: whomever gets up on time will have a tasty breakfast and then have the option to go to pet some puppies for an hour or so. We'll return by 12:30ish for lunch, and then those who want to will Save St. Nick in a Dungeons and Dragons game. Following the game, we will order lots of good food and then have a family game night. 

That's the plan. 

But depending on how everyone's feeling, plans might change. If someone is too tired or too much in pain or too much struggling with mental health to get out of bed, we will need to make accommodations. If opinions of how we should use our time change - or if someone comes up with a better idea - we will do that instead. 

Whatever we end up doing, it is my hope that we spend some quality time together as family. 


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