[reason 6] incense


There's something about incense. I've had incense hanging about the house for years, and every once in a while I burn some and remember just how much I enjoy it. 

Recently, Onyx has been into incense. They light it and I find myself stopping what I'm doing to just enjoy it for a few minutes. When I return home after running errands and the scent of sweet pea or vanilla or patchouli wafts my way, I find myself instantly relaxing and reminding myself that I'm not in a hurry. 

At times, I just stop and watch the smoke dance as it rises and take a moment to breathe, to center myself, to pray, or to just clear my mind and exist in the moment. 


  1. That takes me back to my first year of marriage. After a while Sheryl asked if I would change anything she was doing. I said not really but we had agreed that we would say something. I said well, the scents really bother me. Incense, and scented candles in this house drive me nuts. They make me sneeze, I cough, I want to puke when i smell the house full of that crap.

    She ran off crying. Perhaps I was a little rough. We decided she could use them if she needed to, but to please do it when i was not around. I have not seen an incense burn here since. That was 45 years ago. But I still see and smell a few scented candles. That is OK, I lost my poser sized picture of Carnegie Hall.


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